Emotional burnout of mothers

Emotional burnout The devastation of the emotional resource, the lack of internal strength, moral fatigue are signs of emotional burnout. Often it happens in young mothers because of the need to be concentrated 24/7, to care for the child, to do housework and many other things at the same time.

Parenthood in depression is a doable mission

Being a mom and dad is not easy. Especially if, along with parental everyday life and raising a child, you have to deal with depression. What should you know about depression and parenthood and how to remain loving parents if you have to treat depression?

What distinguishes people with high emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence People who masterfully own their emotions, do not act impulsively in stressful situations, do not get confused when getting into non-standard conditions, find interesting solutions in difficult situations and are ready to honestly admit their shortcomings, have high emotional intelligence (EQ).

Personal boundaries – yes, high walls in these boundaries – no!

Personal boundaries Violation in the perception of personal boundaries causes many related problems. A person who cannot find balance in the boundaries of his personality or is completely closed, makes poor contact, does not open up to anyone, or vice versa – cannot establish any framework and feels as if he is naked among people.