Have you ever wondered why you express your emotions that way? Why can it be difficult to say a simple and sincere “thank you” or “love”?
Is it easy for you to thank, even if the person has taken a minor part in the situation? Is it easy to express sympathy or antipathy? Is it difficult to express gratitude to a person who often helps, sometimes even sacrificing his own interests? Is it easy to talk about love for your child, partner or partner, parents? Have you ever wondered why you express your emotions that way? Why can it be difficult to say a simple and sincere “thank you” or “love”?
We live in a society where there is no taboo on “good” feelings – no one will shame for expressing gratitude or love, but still it is often very difficult. The fact is that the expression of feelings is one process that does not distinguish between “bad” emotions and “good” ones, and if a person has one pole clamped, so to speak, then problems will arise with another.
From our psyche it is impossible to cut out what we do not like, leaving only love, joy, gratitude, touching, lightness. With sadness, anger, jealousy, fear, you should also be able to live and take into account these emotions and feelings. Often a person blocks them, so there are neuroses, many other psycho-emotional and mental problems, as well as difficulties in expressing warm, pleasant feelings.
What to do with negative emotions?
To learn to live with the full spectrum of their emotions, psychologists and psychotherapists advise by treating them as a door to what they point to. Simply by getting angry or sad, and indeed we can conclude that it is better not to start this “process” anymore, however, knowing the cause of such emotions, one can understand its value for our lives. Negative emotions are a kind of compass, for example, longing means that what we miss is valuable to us; and envy helps us understand what we want.
For an adult, it is right not to cleave off “negative” feelings and emotions, but to learn to understand them, recognize their signals, explore their inner world in order to properly direct their resources to improve life. This should also be taught to children from an early age – the sooner the child begins to learn to understand himself, his states, his feelings – the better.