What distinguishes people with high emotional intelligence?

People who masterfully own their emotions, do not act impulsively in stressful situations, do not get confused when getting into non-standard conditions, find interesting solutions in difficult situations and are ready to honestly admit their shortcomings, have high emotional intelligence (EQ).

Such people know themselves well and are sensitive to the emotions of others, because emotional intelligence is, above all, the ability to recognize their own emotions and understand their impact on others. In addition, emotional intelligence implies empathy, which favors the construction of good relationships with other people.

The American psychologist Daniel Goleman identified
5 characteristics that determine emotional intelligence

1. Self-awareness.

People with high emotional intelligence understand themselves and their emotions well. they do not allow emotions to manage their lives, and from crisis situations they are looking for a constructive way out. Self-awareness also implies objectivity about one’s own capabilities, strengths and weaknesses and a willingness to work on oneself.

2. Self-regulating management of one’s emotions and impulses.

A high level of emotional intelligence is evidenced by concentration, flexibility, integrity, the ability to refuse and the ability to adapt to new conditions. Emotional intelligence does not allow strong emotions to prevail over consciousness and control actions.

3. Empathy or empathy.

Recognizing other people’s feelings and, as a result, the ability to listen and hear other people is one of the most important signs of emotional intelligence. Empathy also helps to avoid stereotypes, superficial judgments and helps to live openly.

4. Motivation.

The willingness to postpone immediate results for the sake of long-term success, productivity, efficiency, openness to new challenges are signs of motivation that is inherent in people with a high level of emotional intelligence.

5. Social skills.

Emotional intelligence contributes to good communication skills. People with developed emotional intelligence usually interact well with others, can resolve conflicts and maintain constructive relationships.