Children’s destructive behavior due to anxiety

Recognizing chronic anxiety in a child can be quite difficult, since it is often “disguised” as a number of other diagnoses. The most accustomed symptoms of increased anxiety are sleep problems, separation from parents, obsessive thoughts and some strange rituals.

However, anxiety disorder is not limited to these signs.

Children with unidentified anxiety are often violators of discipline in kindergarten because they cannot cope with the pressure of demands and expectations.

Some mental health experts believe that it is anxiety that is one of the main causes of disruptive behaviors, because as a result of anxiety disorder, children become destructive and repel adults who can help them cope with the problem.

Often, neither parents nor educators understand the causes of destructive behavior, as a result – a child can spend half a day justifying themselves in front of adults and listening to teachings, instead of learning how to manage their anxiety.

The issue of destructive behavior as a consequence of chronic anxiety is complex and requires work on the part of both parents and caregivers, because the assessment of the child’s condition should be based on data from various sources. In any case, with systematic manifestations of destruction in daily behavior, it is worthwhile to carefully observe and listen to the child in order to identify its cause.