25th week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar: 25th week of pregnancy

Pregnancy calendar by week. An experienced doctor tells how a child develops in the womb and what changes occur in the pregnant woman’s body. All the most important things about the 25th week of pregnancy

Changes in your body:

During this period of pregnancy, women may experience back pain. The appearance of pain is provoked, on the one hand, by the enlarged uterus, which presses on the organs of the pelvic cavity, pelvic bones and spine, and, on the other hand, the ligaments that hold the pelvic bones weaken during pregnancy. The pelvic bones “spread” to create more space for the uterus with the growing baby. Accordingly, changes in the pelvis cause a change in your posture. Now you are not so steady and can easily lose your balance. Therefore, choose only comfortable shoes with flat soles that keep you well on the surface. Also, in winter, when there is ice, try to avoid ungroomed slippery roads. Don’t be shy to ask for help and support.

Tips to prevent back pain:

  • Use a hard, preferably orthopedic mattress for sleeping.
  • Try swimming classes for pregnant women. Swimming is not only a good opportunity to finally relax the muscles of the body, relieve the spine and joints, it is also a safe form of exercise for pregnant women.
  • Train your back with the “cat” exercise.
  • Unload your back with exercises with a fitness ball.

The fourth visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist should be scheduled for the 25-26th week of pregnancy. The doctor should comment on the results of your examinations. Also, during the visit, you should measure: blood pressure, pulse, temperature and body weight, determine the height of the uterine fundus, auscultate the heartbeat of the fetus, examine the lower extremities for swelling or signs of varicose veins.

The obstetrician-gynecologist will refer you to the following examinations:

  • General blood test with determination of the number of platelets at 29 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Serological examination for syphilis (second) at 29 weeks.
  • The presence of Rh antibodies (if you have Rh-negative blood, and the child’s father is Rh-positive).
  • A general urinalysis or an express test for the presence of protein in the urine.
  • All pregnant women should have a two-hour glucose tolerance test between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

How is the baby growing (25th week of pregnancy)?

The child begins to gain weight, a subcutaneous fat layer appears, the skin ceases to be wrinkled. Hair grows and becomes more noticeable.

The child’s spine becomes strong. The formed spine will consist of 33 vertebrae, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments.

The baby learns to “inhale” and “exhale” the amniotic fluid. Nostrils begin to open. Bronchi and pulmonary alveoli (sacs) develop, and a branched vascular network is actively formed around them. After birth, when the baby begins to breathe, air will enter the alveoli of the lungs through the respiratory tract, where gas exchange will take place.

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24th week of pregnancy

26th week of pregnancy

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