Tenth month of child development

At ten months, parents can already notice behind their daughter or son the ability to hold two objects in one hand and can determine the dominant hand – the one with which the child most often plays and takes objects. That is, during this period, you can already find out whether the baby is a shulga or right-hander. The child continues to actively imitate the surrounding sounds, can repeat the “chain” of simple syllables in a row. Among the toys, there are already favorites and there is an interest in assembling a variety of pyramids, cubes or rings.

Physical development

During this period, the baby gains an average of 400-450 grams in weight, and 1.5-2 cm in height, having about 72-73 cm tall at ten months. All the maneuvers associated with sitting the child already succeed easily, and one of the most favorite activities is to get out and look somewhere. How to get off the baby may not yet know, so loud crying during the game is often associated precisely with the inability to return to the “starting” position.

At ten months, the child is already preparing to walk. This happens in different ways: someone crawls to the furniture, rises and, holding on, takes several steps; someone is trying to rise from a sitting position; others immediately after crawling “in a plastunsky way” make attempts to walk; and some kids need to go all the way of climbing-crustacean-walking with support. The correct method does not exist, so you should not listen to tips like “do as we did and the child will leave earlier” – this is a very individual process.

Playing and exploring the world

After a little research and study of the rooms and kitchen, the child begins to be interested in the bathroom and toilet. Try new items to taste, unwind a roll of toilet paper, throw something into the toilet, press an interesting button, twist the tap – all this is extremely exciting for the child, so it is better to close the door to the bath and toilet.

After the games, the child should already be taught to return the toys to their places – in a special room or at least a basket. Of course, a ten-month-old baby will not make things on its own, but let it watch each time adults move everything to their place.

At ten months, some children show attention to their genitals, begin to play with them. No need to panic because of this and reproach for such games. For a child, this is an ordinary part of the body, the game with which he perceives as part of common games. In general, you should not focus on this in any way, so as not to form an installation, as if the child is doing something forbidden or, conversely, increasing attention to this part of the body.

At ten months, you can begin to teach the child to the pot, but in no case force. The pot should be warm and comfortable and the child should be planted on it only when you know the approximate time of emptying. It is important not to distract the child on the pot with food or toys and not to scold in case of failure. If everything worked out, praise the baby as much as possible so that it is clear that the child has done what is necessary and as best as possible.

Child’s speech at 10 months

During this month, the child’s speech is already associated with the action. Certain movements, objects, objects and people can get their names. Most often it is one syllable like “ba”, “mu”, “ta”… That is, the child already calls things and actions, but still cannot pronounce full-fledged words.

During this period, it is worth talking a lot with the child, and in an adult way, calling objects by their names, describing actions, telling simple stories. You should not duplicate children’s sounds, soften your speech or come up with “children’s” names for objects. It is important that the baby forms a passive vocabulary and by ear can determine what it is about.

At ten months, the child can already associate the name with the object, so the “table” should be a “table”, not a “gaga” or other combination of sounds. The baby calls him so not because he likes this name more, but because he still cannot pronounce all the sounds. Adults can, so it is better to call a spade a spade so that the child gradually learns to distinguish between them and subsequently call them correctly.


The child may already show shyness in front of strangers or, even, when one of “his own” entered the room, who had not been there for a while. At the same time, the baby is already beginning to understand that things and people exist outside his field of vision and realize that dad will return, and not disappear forever if he goes somewhere. This is also noticeable during the game: previously, a child could cry if he hides a toy in a box, but now he tries to get it from there or just looks. By the way, the process of opening boxes and other containers at this age can be interesting in itself and as a way to investigate the contents.

At ten months, an understanding of the relationship of several actions begins to form, for example, if the mother went to the kitchen, then the baby realizes that soon the house will smell food and lunch will come. To develop such thinking, it is worth taking the child with you to different places so that the baby can observe and draw conclusions.


Due to the huge activity and a lot of new experiences, the baby may have problems falling asleep. In this case, you need to teach him to relax through a quiet activity, for example, looking at pictures or swinging. This should be done in a calm environment, without unnecessary sounds, accompanied by stories in a gentle tone.

As a result of such manipulations, the child should develop drowsiness. If this does not help or takes too much time or there are other problems with sleep, consult your pediatrician during the next visit. The doctor may advise additional sedative methods or, with certain indications, prescribe drugs. In no case should sedatives for a child be chosen according to advertising or recommendations of friends. At best, they will not help anything, or even harm the nervous or digestive system of the child.

For ten months, parents are already studying their child, his temperament, feel his mood and emotional state, can already draw conclusions about the character of the baby in the future. However, you should not hurry with this. The child still has many discoveries ahead that will change his idea of the world, teach new things, form skills, habits and behavior. You need to enjoy the process of development of the baby and help him in this, without planning far in advance.

Natalia Kuzio