Grieving is normal: how to help a child learn to experience sadness

Children very often experience sad emotions. Adults, even, do not always notice such children’s conditions. The established attitude that “sadness is a bad emotion” does not allow the child to express and experience it correctly.

In fact, children need to experience sadness in order to learn to accept life in various manifestations. It is important to teach the child that crying is not a shame, that hiding the pain is not right. However, this can be taught by someone who knows how to grieve. Therefore, it is within the competence of parents to form first of all in themselves a healthy attitude to sadness and sadness and subsequently pass it on to children.

What you need to know about sad emotions?

Sadness is not bad emotions.

The fact that they are difficult and sometimes painful to experience does not make them useless, unhelpful or unnecessary. Through these experiences, the child accepts what is difficult to accept, for example, the rules, or the imperfection of reality.

Crying helps relieve tension and signals the need for help and support.

When a child cries, adults should learn to perceive it not only with anxiety and excitement, but also with joy that the child knows how to release his sadness.

Crying alone is less rewarding than with someone.

However, do not distract the child while crying with conversations, games or other activities. The best thing is to be there, be silent and, with the permission of the child, hug her. Thus, you will give the child the opportunity to “complete” the impact of sadness and fully experience the emotion.

It is important that the child feels supported and empathized.

When the sad emotion is over and the child has calmed down, it is worth asking if he wants to discuss something.

Notations, accusations and teachings are bad allies in helping a child during the amount.

They can offend, disappoint, annoy and cause a new portion of sadness. in addition, such a parental reaction can cause distrust and the next time the child does not open up with his pain to avoid additional negative experiences.

The ban on experiencing sadness is very harmful. Latent tension takes a lot of strength, tires, overstrains, causes anxiety, various obsessive states. As a result of the periodic suppression of sad emotions, it becomes difficult for the child to concentrate, participate in various activities and experience other emotions, including joy.